Tummy Tuck White UnderwearIf you’re yearning for that flat, tight, youthful stomach you once had and sit-ups just aren’t working, a tummy tuck (medical term: abdominoplasty) can offer a viable solution.  A tummy tuck tightens abdominal muscles, removes fat, and eliminates excess skin from the abdominal region. Tightening the abdominal muscles helps to narrow the waist, and removing fat and excess skin from the lower abdomen helps to create a firmer, tighter tummy.

There are many different types of tummy tucks ranging from mini tucks to extended tummy tucks. This procedure is highly individualized and should be carefully designed to make sure your desires are met and the best possible results are achieved. Tummy tucks can offer long lasting results providing you maintain a stable weight, as major weight gain can alter the benefits received.

Abdominoplasty is a major surgery most commonly requiring at least 3 to 6 weeks down time and allowing for proper recovery time is imperative to achieving the best results. As with any and all surgeries, please seek out an experienced, qualified, board certified plastic surgeon.

For more questions please contact us directly at (503) 561.7000.

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Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

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