As cosmetic treatments go, dermaplaning is still somewhat of the new kid on the block. As such, it’s still facing more than a few misconceptions. We’ll discuss them here.
First, What is Dermaplaning, Anyway?
New cosmetic treatments have a way of garnering special attention. Dermaplaning has done so not only because it’s innovative but also because it’s “shaving.” During a dermaplaning session, the trained provider uses a straight blade to remove the ultra-fine vellus hair from the skin. Treatment is usually done on the face, where exfoliation is needed from time to time. Exfoliation or not, though, won’t shaving the face bring a woman some woes she could do without? Based on a mountain of clinical data, the answer is no. Here’s what you need to know.
No, Peach Fuzz Won’t Grow Back Thicker and Darker
The idea that shaving hair off the body will cause it to grow back thicker and darker is not new. It’s been around far too long, especially considering the fact that we can draw from personal experience to debunk this myth. Millions of people shave their legs, underarms, face, or other areas as often as daily. Shaving is merely a close cut of the hair. It has zero effect on hair follicles and, thus, no effect on hair growth.
What about stubble? This is a good question! When we shave, the hair that grows back feels sharp and thick. This is only a sensation due to the fact that the hair is cut bluntly when we shave. So, as hair grows in, it softens. The same is true for dermaplaning and our fine vellus hair. It doesn’t grow back thicker, darker, or sharp. Its blunt tips only feel that way for a short time.
No, Dermaplaning Does Not Hurt
Some hair removal methods have been known to be uncomfortable. Plucking hair, waxing, and electrolysis, for instance, can hurt to some degree. Dermaplaning is a meticulous procedure in which the provider very carefully moves the sharp blade across the skin. Because the skin is dry for this treatment, you may hair the sound of the blade moving; similar to a sandpaper sound. However, there is no pain during or after treatment.
No, Dermaplaning Won’t Cause Breakouts
Shaving is a grooming practice that is sometimes thought to cause acne. In truth, the bumps that can develop after shaving are really ingrown hairs. These hairs grow into the skin and can be uncomfortable. They can also be prevented with good shaving practices, so we can also debunk the idea that dermaplaning could cause ingrown hairs. In fact, removing the vellus hair is just the beginning of what dermaplaning does. It also removes the layer of debris and dead skin cells that could clog pores and set the stage for acne flare-ups. So, rather than causing breakouts, dermaplaning could reduce them.
Dermaplaning is an excellent treatment option for all skin tones and types. To learn more, contact our Salem, OR office at 503-561-7000 and schedule an appointment.