Breast surgeries are among the leading plastic surgery procedures ever performed. When we consider the term “breast surgery,” though, where many people go is the concept of breast enhancement via implant surgery. We more readily understand why a woman may want to enlarge her breasts. We even understand the value of a breast lift for women who have begun to experience sagging and deflation. Breast reduction surgery is another matter entirely. There seems to be a relative lack of understanding given to women who want to reshape their breasts by making them smaller. Here, we discuss some specific points that may need reframing. If you’re considering breast reduction surgery, these points may help you make a more confident decision.
The “Be Thankful” Perspective.
Many women who live with large breasts instinctively hesitate to talk about their desire for breast reduction. Let’s face it. We live in a society that values larger breast size. Women who naturally have large breasts are often inundated with subliminal messaging that they should be thankful for what they have. This is a dangerous message to send any person. When it comes to breast reduction, the decision is very personal. You may want this surgery so you can finally fit into clothing that suits your style. You may be tired of the discomfort of bra straps digging into your shoulders, or the neck and shoulder pain that you experience daily. You very well may love your body and also want to make some changes that will enhance your quality of life, and that choice is solely yours to make.
Breast Size is a Weight Thing.
The breasts are composed of fatty tissue, yes. And where there is fat, there is the opportunity for fat cell expansion with weight gain. However, the amount of growth in the breast area alone, from weight gain alone, is minimal. Breasts are also made of glandular tissue. This tissue is more relevant to overly-large breasts than the fat tissue itself. Therefore, if you lose weight, your breasts may deflate somewhat, but not typically enough to resolve all the issues that go with excessive breast size.
Breast reduction prevents breastfeeding.
We understand the concern that breast surgery may impair milk production and prevent breastfeeding in the future. This is an inherent risk of any breast surgery. However, it can be minimized. A board-certified plastic surgeon who routinely performs breast reduction procedures has typically developed techniques that avoid disruption to the milk ducts. Talk to your plastic surgeon about this concern. Ask a lot of questions, including how they perform breast reduction when the patient wishes to breastfeed.
If you would like to know more about breast reduction, contact our Salem office at 503-561-7000 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Austin.