Although there is a lot you can do at home with a good skincare routine to maintain healthy and moisturized skin, the effects of aging may require an extra level of treatment from below the skin. Injectable dermal treatments have been used safely and effectively for many years to help achieve aesthetic goals and maintain a youthful and toned look on the face.
Of the benefits of these treatments, they are usually chosen to either add lost volume in certain areas or help smooth or decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As medical research and technology advance, more and more treatment options are becoming available. However, each fits within just a few main treatments, each best for a specific condition.
The first type is known more as perhaps the most popular dermal treatment. BOTOX® and other treatments that use botulinum toxin or other similar substances work by blocking the signals that cause your facial muscles to contract. This helps prevent additional lines or wrinkles from forming or deepening existing ones. Although some existing lines and wrinkles may subside, these treatments do little to restore lost volume.
Another type of dermal injectable treatment is considered dermal fillers. Using either collagen or hyaluronic acid, both of which are naturally produced and found in your body, these treatments add volume from below the skin to help smooth lines and wrinkles and restore lost volume.
Lastly, fat implants can enhance specific areas of the face, especially the lips. By using the fat harvested from elsewhere on your own body, there is minimal chance of rejection or adverse effects. These implants tend to be thicker in consistency, so they are not suited for smaller or more delicate areas.
We know there are a lot of treatment options to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Dr. Austin and his team at Oregon Plastic Surgeons in Salem, OR, have the knowledge and expertise in various procedures and can create a customized plan that is perfect for you. Call the office at 503-561-7000 or visit to schedule a comprehensive aesthetic consultation.