Breast Reconstruction
Case ID: 3759
46 year old female with left breast cancer. The patient desired the most natural shape, and slightly larger if possible. Click on the additional views to follow her reconstructive journey.
Breast ReconstructionCase ID: 3759
46 year old female with left breast cancer. The patient desired the most natural shape, and slightly larger if possible. Click on the additional views to follow her reconstructive journey.
Breast ReconstructionCase ID: 3751
51 year old female with right breast cancer.
Bilateral Breast ReconstructionCase ID: 3741
52 year old female with diagnosis of breast cancer, treated with chemotherapy prior to surgery.
Breast ReconstructionCase ID: 3740
49 year old female with left breast cancer. Pre-operative photographs.
Breast ReconstructionCase ID: 2458
52 year old female presented with macromastia and significant breast ptosis. Patient 5’4”, 167 lbs. Reported 34 G Cup Brassiere, desired D Cup. Pre-Op Photos: Pre-operative plan for bilateral breast reduction with wise pattern mastopexy Post-Op Photos: Following bilateral breast reduction. Incisions extended posteriorly to excise redundant tissue along lateral breast
Breast Reduction with Wise Pattern MastopexyCase ID: 2333
55 year old female, 5’3, 138 lbs, 36 DD Bra, with bilateral macromastia, presents for breast reduction
Breast ReductionCase ID: 2319
60 year old female with significant breast asymmetry. Treated with unilateral left breast reduction
Left Breast ReductionCase ID: 2303
58 year old female presents with significant macromastia and ptosis.
Bilateral Breast ReductionCase ID: 2289
31 year old female requesting breast augmentation, 5’7, 149 lbs, 34 B Padded Bra. Following breast augmentation. Subpectoral placement of smooth round, high profile gel implants, 435 cc
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2282
35 year old female requesting breast augmentation. 5’1, 130 lbs, 36 B Cup.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2272
22 year old female 5’6, 170 lbs, 34C cup, requesting bilateral breast augmentation.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 2097
45 year old female for breast augmentation. Implants used were Allergan moderate profile smooth round gel implants, 371 cc.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 1115
59 year old female presented with a history of prior right breast modified radical mastectomy. She was reconstructed with a pedicled TRAM flap and left breast augmentation-mastopexy. Click on additional views to follow her reconstructive journey.
Breast ReconstructionCase ID: 1095
35 year old female presented with loss of breast volume and ptosis. She was treated with a breast augmentation-mastopexy with smooth round implants.
Breast Augmentation with LiftCase ID: 1088
29 year old female requesting bilateral breast augmentation with a more “natural” appearance. Smooth round implants were utilized.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 1079
46 year old male presented with localized breast fullness. He was treated with open glandular resection and liposuction.
GynecomastiaCase ID: 1046
43 year old female desiring a “more natural” shape breast augmentation.
Breast AugmentationCase ID: 1024
36 year old female presented with a several year history of symptomatic macromastia, with upper back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain. She was treated with a Wise pattern breast reduction.
Breast Reduction