Is a Nonsurgical Facelift Right for Me?

Facelift surgery had been the only option for reducing the signs of aging for so long that many people don’t realize all the options they have available to them. If you’re troubled by concerns like a shapeless face, sagging jowls, deepening creases around your nose and mouth, and sagging tissue beneath your chin, you may be questioning whether or not now is the time you should seek surgical rejuvenation. You may be wondering and, at the same time, hesitant to call a plastic surgeon. Well, if you call your plastic surgeon in Salem, OR, you might just discover a nonsurgical facelift technique that offers huge rewards.

PDO Novathreads for a Younger Looking You

PDO stands for Polydioxanone. This is a kind of suture material that has a proven history of success in various medical procedures, including orthopedic surgeries. In recent years, it has been studied for aesthetic use. Like a surgical facelift, a PDO Novathread lift repositions the layers of tissue beneath the skin; the layers of tissue that droop and sag with age. However, instead of using small sutures to secure tissue in a higher position, the thread lift inserts one or more strands of thin PDO in a specific pattern to lift the skin smoothly and naturally. The suture material dissolves over time but, while in place, it stimulates new collagen production that supports skin firmness and tightness.

A Facelift on Your Lunch Break

Historically, getting a facelift meant taking about two weeks off work, undergoing anesthesia, and enduring bruising and swelling that lasted for days. It could also mean facing results that looked “done” rather than naturally refreshed. The PDO Novathreads procedure is done in the office in about an hour. We numb the treatment areas with a local anesthetic beforehand, so there is no pain. After the procedure is complete, the face immediately looks younger. There is minimal swelling and bruising, if any. Most patients go right back to their normal activities after their treatment.

You still have time to get that facial refresher you wanted before the New Year. To consult with Dr. Austin about the nonsurgical PDO Threadlift facelift, call our Salem office at 503-561-7000.

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