Radiesse® in Salem, OR


Radiesse® volumizing filler is a synthetic injectable filler that has been U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for reducing moderate-to-severe wrinkles, folds and creases around the nose and mouth by augmenting the skin’s natural collagen supply. It is a safe, effective and long-lasting alternative to injectable collagen and other dermal fillers for smoothing wrinkles and adding facial volume and contour.

Radiesse filler is composed of microspheres in a water-based gel; the microspheres are made of a substance called calcium hydroxylapatite, which stimulates the production of collagen. When injected into lines and wrinkles, the additional collagen that is produced smooths out the lines and wrinkles, and adds volume to the skin.

Radiesse Volumizing Filler Applications

Radiesse volumizing filler can be used on various areas of the face and body. In addition to correcting scars that leave depressions, it is effective in improving the look of the following:

  • Nasolabial folds (run from corners of nose to corners of mouth)
  • Marionette lines (run downward from corners of mouth)
  • Downturned corners of the mouth
  • Jowl pre-sagging
  • Chin wrinkles

Radiesse filler has also been approved by the FDA to restore and correct the signs of lipoatrophy (loss of fat beneath the skin) in patients with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Radiesse Volumizing Filler Procedure

Before a patient is given Radiesse filler, the treatment area is cleaned. Radiesse injections are then made with a fine needle, and typically takes 45 minutes to perform. There is little-to-no downtime; many patients return to their normal activities right away. Radiesse volumizing filler is also FDA-approved for mixing with the anesthetic lidocaine, which makes the injections less painful. Typically, only 1 or 2 treatments are needed to achieve the full benefits of Radiesse volumizing filler.

Radiesse Volumizing Filler Results

Results are visible immediately after injection, and sometimes last up to a year. Because results are temporary, treatments must be repeated to sustain them. Touch-up treatments may prolong the effects of Radiesse filler.

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Radiesse Volumizing Filler Side Effects

Side effects of Radiesse filler are usually not serious, and go away on their own. They occur at the injection site, and include the following:

  • Mild irritation
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness

Allergy testing is not necessary before treatment because the calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres in Radiesse filler are similar to minerals that occur naturally in the body.

Radiesse FAQs:

Am I a Good Candidate for Radiesse?

Most healthy adults over the age of 21 are good candidates for Radiesse injections. Your provider will ask questions to ensure that you don't have a confirmed allergy to any of the ingredients in this product, such as lidocaine. If you have a history of severe allergies, talk to your provider. Our goal is to help you address your cosmetic concerns in the safest, most effective, and most satisfying manner.

There is no ideal age at which you'll get the best results from this treatment. Your candidacy is determined by your concerns and what you'd like to improve. Radiesse is an excellent treatment option for the correction of moderate to severe signs of aging. If you're noticing deeper creases around your nose, mouth, and jawline, you may find that the collagen-boosting powers of Radiesse fit your needs for natural-looking rejuvenation. While it's possible to learn about the different characteristics of all of the available dermal fillers, the best way to definitively determine which product is right for you is to consult with a trained, experienced provider. Here in our Salem, OR office, we'll take our time explaining how Radiesse works and how it may fit your needs for wrinkle reduction.

How is Radiesse Different than Other Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are known to bring more volume to areas of the face that are most affected by aging. By injecting these products beneath lines and wrinkles, the volume of tissue expands, bringing the creases up to the surface so lines disappear. The most recognizable dermal fillers, many of which we use on a regular basis, work by directly influencing tissue volume with hyaluronic acid. This acid, which your body makes on its own, expands skin tissue by binding to water molecules. Over time, as the acid particles break down, water is released and the results of treatment gradually diminish.

Radiesse is a collagen-stimulating dermal filler. It works by introducing calcium hydroxyapatite into the tissue just beneath the upper layer of the skin, where the tiny microspheres stimulate fibroblast cells to make more collagen. Collagen is the protein that influences tissue firmness and tightness. It also can plump the skin but in a different way than hyaluronic acid. According to studies, Radiesse can increase collagen production by up to 30 percent. Does this make it better than other dermal fillers? Not necessarily. Your skin is unique, as are your desired results. Depending on your desired outcome, your provider may suggest that you use Radiesse in some areas and a hyaluronic acid dermal filler in others.

Is There Any Downtime After Radiesse Injections?

There is no downtime needed after receiving Radiesse treatment. However, we want to make sure that you don't experience unnecessary side effects, and also that the filler remains exactly where we want it to stimulate collagen production! To achieve this, your provider may recommend that you avoid all activities that could cause your body to heat up. Examples include strenuous exercise and using a hot tub or sauna. Also, avoid a lot of sun exposure if you receive injections on a hot day. Finally, it's important that you do not rub or massage the area we've treated for at least 24 hours.

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