Mommy Makeover

Giving birth can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a woman’s life. Unfortunately, pregnancy and breast-feeding often result in unwanted changes in a woman’s body, such as drooping breasts, enlarged areolas, a straighter waist, pockets of fat in the abdomen, stretch marks, and a sagging tummy that no amount of exercise and dieting seems to fix.

Mommy Makeover

The loose muscles and stretched skin can improve somewhat over time, but may never completely return to the way it was before pregnancy.

It used to be that women were resigned to living with these natural changes in their bodies. Now, however, more and more women are seeking out plastic surgeons to rejuvenate their breasts and tummies to the youthful firmness they enjoyed before having children. These procedures are collectively called “mommy makeovers” or post-maternity breast and body reshaping.

Patient Testimonial

“When you first walk into the office you meet his staff they are all very kind and non-judgmental. Doctor Austin Treats his patients with Respect and kindness. He really does care about his patients and how they are feeling. He listens and answers all your questions You walk out confident about what is happening.” - T.G

Mommy Makeover: Breast Lift

The aftermath of pregnancy can leave you with sagging breasts, uneven breasts, loss of breast volume, drooping nipples and stretched areolas (the dark skin surrounding the nipple). A breast lift, or mastopexy, is performed to reverse these changes and return a youthful shape and lift to your breasts. This is accomplished by trimming excess skin and tightening supporting tissues to achieve an uplifted, youthful contour. Breast lifts can also reduce areolar size and reposition downward-pointing nipples.

Your post-maternity breast lift will be tailored to you, depending on your individual case and goals. A consultation with Dr. Edwin N. Austin will allow for personalized evaluation and development of an individualized plan for your breast lift. Breast size does not increase after a breast lift, nor does the fullness or roundness in the upper part of the breasts. Women who desire larger, smaller or more rounded breasts may want to consider a breast augmentation or breast reduction together with a breast lift.

Mommy Makeover: Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures in the U.S. and one of our most popular services. Breast augmentation can give women with small or unevenly sized breasts a fuller, firmer, better-proportioned look through the placement of saline or silicone implants in the breast.

Our patients elect to undergo breast augmentation for many different medical and aesthetic reasons, including balancing breast size, compensating for reduced breast mass after pregnancy or surgery, and correcting a congenital breast defect. Under our doctors’ expert care, patients enjoy great-looking, natural-feeling breasts that are one or more cup sizes larger after the operation. Read more »

Mommy Makeover: Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy procedure

Augmentation mastopexy is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia, and usually takes 1 to 3 hours. Depending on the degree of sagging, the amount of excess skin, and the size and type of the implants, one of the following types of incisions is often used:

  • Two rings, one larger than the other, around the areola
  • A keyhole shape, around the areola and down to the breast crease
  • An anchor shape, beginning in the breast crease, and extending up to and around the areola

After the incisions are made, excess skin is trimmed to create a tighter, more defined appearance. The nipple and areola are usually moved higher on the breast or resized. Implants made of either saline solution or silicone gel are inserted into the breast beneath the pectoral muscle or mammary gland. Incisions are then closed with stitches; the incisions used for augmentation mastopexy are larger than those for augmentation alone, which requires only an incision in the breast crease, the bottom of the areola or the armpit. Find out more

Mommy Makeover: Breast Reduction

Most women find that their breasts swell to a fuller size and shape while they are pregnant. Afterward, a natural reduction in breast size leaves some women with the empty-looking, drooping breasts discussed above in the breast lift section. For many other women, however, the breasts remain larger than desired after childbirth. Breast reduction surgery may be the solution in these cases.

One reason women may seek breast reduction after giving birth is to return the breasts to the smaller size they had before becoming pregnant. In addition, breast reduction can relieve the common symptoms of large breasts, such as pain, improper posture, rashes, breathing problems, skeletal deformities, and low self-esteem. Breast reduction achieves these goals by removing fat and glandular tissue and tightening skin to produce smaller, lighter breasts that are in a healthier proportion to the rest of the body.

Note: Breast reduction surgery is not recommended for women who intend to breast-feed in the future, since many of the milk ducts leading to the nipples are removed.

Mommy Makeover: Tummy Tuck

Perhaps nowhere else on the body is pregnancy more unforgiving than in the abdomen. By stretching and weakening the skin and muscles of the abdomen and waist, pregnancy can leave you with loose skin, stretch marks and a straighter waistline that no amount of exercise will correct. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, can help.

Tummy tucks help to flatten and shape the abdomen and waist by removing excess skin and tightening muscles. The result is a firmer tummy and more defined waistline.

Women who also suffer from areas of fat in the abdomen or flanks after pregnancy may benefit from liposuction.

Note: Results from the tummy tuck procedure will likely diminish if women continue to bear children, so we advise patients who plan to become pregnant to delay abdominoplasty.

Mommy Makeover: Liposuction

New mothers may find that they have pockets of fat in the lower abdomen that don’t respond to diet or exercise. They may also find that they have lost definition in their waistline. Women who had C-sections may also suffer from areas of fat hanging over their surgical scar. Each of these post-maternity body changes may be improved through liposuction.

Liposuction sculpts the body after pregnancy by removing undesirable, resistant fat from the abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks and/or thighs. It offers the opportunity to slim and contour areas of the body that did not “spring back” to their pre-baby tone. With liposuction, you can minimize areas of fat caused by pregnancy and enhance the curve of the waistline.

There are several different methods surgeons use when performing liposuction, including ultrasound-assisted lipectomy (UAL) and suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL). In both types, fluid is injected into the area to be treated. Then a tiny incision is made in as inconspicuous a place as possible, and a cannula (small tube) breaks up the fat layer and suctions it out.

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