It’s that time of the year when Summer has left Different Face Proceduresus, and Fall is in the air. As the leaves begin to “fall”, dry up and wrinkle away, it’s a great reminder to stay uplifted, well hydrated and youthful.

There are wonderful treatments available to assist in this process. Cosmetic Botox is an exceptional treatment for preserving a smooth, wrinkle free appearance. As facial muscles are used everyday, they begin to leave their identifying marks such as fine lines and wrinkles. If left untreated, those identifying marks eventually turn into permanent creases. Cosmetic Botox is used to soften those lines and wrinkles and possibly even erase them by weakening or restricting muscle movement. Relaxing targeted facial muscles, helps to soften one’s overall look providing a more youthful and smooth appearance.

Common areas treated with Botox:

  • Softening frown lines and glabeller wrinkles between the brows.
  • Lifting the brow and opening the eyes.
  • Smoothing the bags underneath the eyes.
  • Relaxing drooping cords in the neck (turkey neck)
  • Smoothing deep wrinkles across the forehead.
  • Relaxing the ceases of crow’s feet.
  • Smoothing out “smokers lines” around the mouth.
  • Lifting the dimpling of the  chin.

How long does Botox last?

Botox can last approximately three to four months, although some people have been known to go longer before they need to repeat the treatment. Once patients start receiving Botox injections on a regular basis, they may realize they can go longer before requiring touch-up treatments to maintain their wrinkle-free appearance. if Botox injections are not kept up the face will eventually reverse back to its natural, wrinkled appearance.

How long does it take for Botox to take effect?

You will start  to see the effects in three to five days, and  full effect in ten to fourteen days.

How much Botox do I need to see results?

It’s hard to predict at first, as everyone is different, and the strength of the muscles being used is different. Individual goals may also vary. For this reason it’s recommended to use the same skilled injector each time to achieve your desired appearance.

That’s all for now.

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