Judging by what we see on social media, it may seem as though getting and staying in shape is a piece of cake. Judging by what we see in our plastic surgery office in Salem, OR, we know that is not the case. Many people struggle to reach their ideal body shape. Even when one achieves an ideal weight for optimal health they may live with frustrating pockets of stubborn fat. Hence, one of the several reasons why liposuction is such a popular procedure. Ultimately, liposuction and a healthy lifestyle go hand-in-hand. Here, we discuss what to expect as you get back to your normal exercise routine after liposuction.
Resuming Exercise after Liposuction
Liposuction is advantageous for several reasons. One is that this procedure does not require much downtime. In some cases, patients are ready to return to work and other very light activities within a week’s time. The general rule of thumb is that the more strenuous the work or activity, the longer the patient should wait to get back to it. When activity does resume, it should start at about 25% of the norm and increase gradually from there.
Post-Liposuction Aerobic Exercise
The goal of liposuction is to eliminate stubborn fat from a target area of the body. Before resorting to surgery, most people try to slim the problematic area with a healthy diet and exercise routine. Cardio exercise is a primary strategy to accomplish this, though it doesn’t always work. Regardless, patients who undergo liposuction are often anxious to get back to their cardio workouts because their level of activity has become ingrained into their daily lives. While aerobic activities like running, dancing, jogging, and HIIT training are beneficial, they are not advisable before two weeks post-op. For the first 10 to 14 days, the most rigorous exercise that should be performed is walking.
Strength Training after Liposuction
We’ve come to recognize the immense value of resistance training in recent years. Like aerobic exercise, strength training is a crucial aspect of long-term weight management, especially as we approach middle-age and are more affected by changing hormones. Though necessary, strength training is considered a more strenuous form of exercise. Therefore, patients should not resume their normal routine for at least two weeks after liposuction and, when they do, they must take care to start slow and increase gradually, always tuning into the body for feedback. At the slightest hint of discomfort, exercise should end for the day. Before surgery, pushing through may have been the name of the game. After surgery, pushing through discomfort could lead to complications and an elongated recovery period.
A great body need not be immensely challenging to get and keep. Learn more about liposuction and how it can help you. Call 503-561-7000 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Austin.